Chartwell Enhanced Assisted Living

Chartwell Enhanced Assisted Living, Burlington, Ontario, Canada, 180 private nursing home beds

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Burlington, ON

The Chartwell Enhanced Assisted Living prototype was designed to comply with most of the basic requirements of the MLTC Design Guidelines but was intended as a private pay alternative to Long Term Care. Murphy Partners designed this new 180-bed, 7-storey facility with large, 400 square foot private rooms on a very tight site in Burlington.

The project contains both Memory Care & Assisted Living neighborhoods with about 95% studio units of 400 square foot each with private bathrooms and about 5 % larger, one-bedroom suites.

RHAs are located on the second to seventh floors. The first level is comprised of shared amenity services, an administration block, as well as visitor guest suites. Each floor has its own resident amenities and support spaces such as spas, multipurpose rooms, and dining. Laundry and house-keeping are located on each floor level .

The long rectangular building was designed to respond to the elongated site. A large green space sits to the west and south of the building, providing shelter from the road noise and maintaining privacy on the lower level.

Amenity spaces on the first level are tucked in towards the quieter neighbourhood to the rear, while the surface level parking is further out beside the main roads.

Parking for 125 cars is provided for both staff and visitors in the basement and at grade parking lots.

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